Get the best deodorant application technique with our easy, step-by-step instructions. When was the last time you gave your deodorant application method some thought? Most likely not since adolescence, when you were taught the fundamentals. You’ve included it into your morning ritual ever since. But what if there was a better way to apply deodorant that would last longer and leave you feeling better?
The Best Way To Apply Deodorant
In order to stop body odor, deodorant works by eliminating microorganisms on your skin that causes stench. Here’s how to make the most of your odor defense and allay concerns about your stinky underarms:
Wash your skin:
To efficiently remove perspiration, shower or wash with a mild cleanser, paying special attention to the underarms and any other areas where you frequently perspire.
Dry your skin completely
It is best to apply deodorant and antiperspirant to absolutely dry skin as moisture might dilute the solution.
Apply deodorant anywhere you tend to sweat:
The majority of deodorant brands can be used anywhere you perspire, even in areas where some are specifically intended for the armpits (like behind the knees or inner thighs). Make sure your deodorant is safe to use wherever by reading the label before applying it elsewhere on your body if you want to keep other parts of it dry and fresh.
Apply deodorant to underarms:
Make two or three upward and downward sweeps to apply deodorant to your underarms. By using this method, you can make sure that all of your sweat glands are covered. Applying deodorant may require extra pressure if you have hair under your arms.
Let your deodorant dry:
Before you dress, let your deodorant dry for a few minutes. This can assist you prevent deodorant from getting on your clothing and giving it time to set.