Mental health

Self-esteem (mental health)



What is self-esteem?

Self-confidence e is not the same as self esteem. A person’s aptitude in a given area of their life is related to their level of confidence. Even someone with a strong sense of confidence in thier unique skills can struggle with low self-esteem. Gaining self assurance in a specific area of life won’t always translate into higher self-esteem

The way we view and regard ourselves is what we call our self-esteem. Everyone occasionally criticizes themselves, but if this self criticism is frequent or severe, you may be experiencing poor self esteem. Even though you might not be aware of the reason behind your poor self esteem, you can still take action to raise it.

What causes low self-esteem?

Adolescent, particularly young girls, could be exposed to harmful ideas and ideals on social media and in the media at large, which make them think that their value is determined by how they act or look.

Low self esteem and unfavorable ideas about thier own value may result from bullying or poor academic performance

What are the effects of low self-esteem?

Low Self- Esteem can lead to relationship issues as well as issues at job or school. Criticism or rejection can make you quite angry, and you might stop doing things and hanging out with people. You should stay away from any situation where you could be compared to or assessed by others. Some individuals with poor self esteem quit caring for their looks, while others could overcompensate by maintaining impeccable grooming at all times. e

How to improve your self-esteem


1. Honor the little victories in your life and give yourself a pat on the back whenever you reach even a modest goal.

2. Put things in perspective, seek for other explanations, and resist the urge to think negatively.

3. Consider your abilities and the things you are good at

4. Refrain from attempting to accomplish everything flawlessly, as it is unattainable

5. Spend time with folks who don’t depress you. e

6. Giving back to the community might improve your self-esteem.

7. Exercise can lift your spirits.

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