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5 tips to keep kids healthy this school year



5 tips to keep kids healthy this school year

Despite our best efforts, our children are constantly in contact with microorganisms. This is particularly true when they interact with other children at the playground, at school, or through sports. By adhering to our ten recommendations for staying healthy at school ( and every where else), parents may help minimize sick days and maintain their kids’ robust immune systems.

Get adequate sleep

You should establish a regular nighttime schedule for your child’s health. Kids in kindergarten through sixth grade need to sleep for nine to eleven hours a night. The capacity to fend against illnesses, eating patterns, and behavior are all closely correlated with the quality of one’s sleep. In addition to increasing appetites for junk food, sleep deprivation frequently causes mood swings, tantrums, and an increased risk of infection.

Reduce screen time.

Any screen time which includes using computers, video games, tablet, phones, televisions that isn’t related to homework should be kept to two hours a day or less. Screen light has the potential to lower melatonin levels, which can interfere with sleep cycles and make it harder to fall asleep.

Practice healthy eating habits. 

Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner for your child and make sure they stay hydrated all day support their health. Encourage them to choose nutritious drinks like milk and water. Limit or completely give up caffeinated and sugar- sweetened beverages. Caffeine can raise your child’s blood pressure and pulse rate, disrupt their sleep, and make them tense and irritable.

Wash hands frequently to reduce spread of germs.

While washing, teach your kid to sing the happy birthday song twice, taking about 20 seconds each time. When washing hands isn’t an option, make sure your child has access to hand sanitizer. Instruct children to cough or sneeze into their arm or shoulder and to keep their hands away from their faces.

Promote proper backpack safety. 

full backpack should not weigh more than 10% of your child’s weight. Heavy backpacks can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Give your child good backpack with two straps and cushioned padding.

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Effects of child exploitation. Child exploitation can have a catastrophic impact on a child’s development, beliefs, self-worth, and capacity for functioning. The recurrent and multifaceted nature of abuse can cause long-term issues for a child’s mental and physical well-being. Abuse can have the following physical, emotional, and psychological effects on kids and teens.



1. Physical well-being

Injuries from physical abuse of children can range from mild ones like abrasions or bruises to more serious ones like internal bleeding, deep cuts, or fractured bones. Long-term emotional harm may also follow these physical wounds.

2. Mental well-being

Long into adulthood, the effects on a child’s mental health may continue. Mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders can be brought on by child abuse.

3. Childhood trauma

A child who has experienced child abuse may develop problems with relationships, conduct, trust, and communication. Victims may be violent, confrontational, or prone to suicidal thoughts or drug and alcohol misuse. They could find it hard to pick things up or stay employed. They might also experience persistent worry and anxiety.

4. Brain development

Abuse can have an impact on a child’s cognitive development and brain growth, leading to speech and language problems. Victims might experience learning disabilities or a reversal in their growth or skill set.

5. Problems in society

Neglected and mistreated children frequently struggle with trust and are afraid. They could struggle with relationships and communication. They could be clinging, withdrawn, aggressive, nervous, or insecure.

6. Behavioral problems

Childhood and early adult behavioral problems can result from child maltreatment. A victim may experience emotional outbursts, mood swings, behavioral changes, depression, withdrawal, aggression, violence, hyperactivity, bedwetting, low self-esteem, etc. Adulthood may see some of these tendencies remain.

What symptoms indicate child exploitation?

The age of the child and the kind of abuse they are experiencing determine the symptoms of child abuse. Some children may not exhibit significant outward symptoms, and a child’s display of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate that they are being mistreated.

Among them are;

  • Physical wounds include fractures, bite marks, belt marks, and welts
  • Damage to the genital area
  • Clinging or withdrawing behavior; • Abrupt behavioral shifts; • Violent or aggressive behavior; • Risk-taking behaviors
  • Explosions of emotion

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Children and Education




Children and education. Facilitating learning and growth in children, usually from early childhood to adolescence, is known as child education. It includes early childhood education, elementary education, and secondary education, among other phases. Giving young students the experiences, values, knowledge, and abilities they need to grow into well-rounded people and engaged members of society is the aim of early childhood education.



Why is child education important?

1. Foundation for Future Learning:

By encouraging curiosity, critical thinking, and a love of learning, early education sets the groundwork for a child’s lifetime learning journey. Cognitive Development: Getting a good education improves cognitive abilities including memory, reasoning, and problem-solving, all of which are essential for both academic and personal success.

2. Socialization:

School settings give kids the chance to engage with classmates, hone their social skills, and discover cooperation, empathy, and dispute resolution. Personal development: Child education promotes self-worth, resiliency, and the capacity to establish and meet objectives.

3. Understanding diverse cultures

history and viewpoints foster open-mindedness and equip kids to live as global citizens in a connected world. This is known as global awareness. employment options: A child’s quality of life is eventually improved by a solid education, which opens doors to better employment options and higher earning potential.

4. Health and Well-Being:

Education provides children with vital life skills, such as health literacy, which empowers them to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their health. Improving Poverty: Since educated people are more likely to be able to find steady work and support economic progress, education can be a very effective instrument in ending the cycle of poverty.

5. Innovation and Advancement:

Those with education propel innovation and advance society by bringing new perspectives, cutting-edge research, and specialized knowledge from a variety of backgrounds. Setting Up a Strategic Plan for Your Child’s Dreams Careful preparation is the first step in protecting your child’s future. To begin with, try to comprehend the goals and desires of your child. Do they intend to pursue further education? Do they intend to pursue a specific career path? T

Start Early and Invest Wisely

When it comes to investing, time is your strongest ally. Your investments have more time to develop and compound if you start early. Over time, even modest payments might add up to a sizable amount.

child development.





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Causes of Child Neglect




Causes of child neglect. Children are most commonly abused when their needs are not consistently met, which is known as neglect. A child could be abandoned and neglected, left without food, clean clothes, suitable housing, supervision, and education. Maybe they’re not doing well and aren’t getting enough medical attention. The kid may become susceptible to additional types of maltreatment as a result of neglect.



Child Neglect;

Poverty: The unfortunate reality is that children are not always given the priority they need if their parents are struggling to make ends meet. Children should never be neglected as long as their care is given priority, even in cases where families are living in great poverty.

Lack of education: Having experienced neglect themselves, parents may have missed a significant portion of their schooling. Due to their lack of qualifications, they can find it difficult to get work and become reliant on “benefits.” Living like this is a pass to being impoverished.

Serious marital/relationship problems: Children frequently see or feel the effects of their parents’ marital problems. A difficult split or divorce can be emotionally and temporally taxing. This may result in parents ignoring their kids as they take care of their problems.

More Neglects;

Violence among parents/carers: Once more, kids might end up being victims of violence as well as witnesses to its aftermath. Long-term effects may result from the impact, which may be significant on a psychological and physical level.

No support from the extended family: The absence of aunts, uncles, and grandparents may indicate that a child’s parent(s) lacks support. With no one to “babysit” or kid mind while they go shopping, or to work, or to provide support and direction,

Lack of knowledge and skills in raising children: Parents can experience parental neglect. They will already be behind when it comes to caring for and rearing a child, so this will come as no surprise.

Loneliness and social isolation: When parents are unable to ask friends and relatives for help and guidance, their capacity to care for their child naturally suffers. When tasked with parenting a child alone, and perhaps in trying circumstances, the psychological effects of solitude can be significant.


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