A bank is a fiscalinstitutionregulated at the civilposition, stateposition or both. The primarypart of banks is to takedeposits and make loans.
1) Retail Banking : This department deals with individualguests and their particular finances, including savings accounts, checkingaccounts, loans, and mortgages.
2) Commercial Banking : This department focuses on furnishingservices to businesses, includingbusiness loans, credit, and otherfiscalproducts.
3) Investment Banking : This department handles combinations and accessions, underwriting, and securities trading for pots, governments, and otherinstitutions.
4)Wealth Management This department provides investmentadvice, estate planning, and otherfiscalservices to high– net- worth individualities and families.
4)Operations This department is responsible for the day– to- day functioning of the bank, includingsale processing, clientservice, and compliance with regulations.
5)Risk Management This department assesses and manages the colorfulpitfallsfaced by the bank, includingcreditthreat, requestthreat, and functionalthreat.
6)Compliance This department ensures that the bank operates within the legal and nonsupervisoryframegoverning the fiscalassiduity.