A Man’s Guide To Color
1. Red (And Pink)

I’m going to combine pink and red because those color should make up no more than 2% of your clothing
A dapper man can also look fantastic in a traditional pink shirt (or a white shirt with a red design that seems pink from a distance). This is especially true for men with darker skin tones.
Additionally, I’ve seen it employed as contrast stitching on the strap, to draw attention to the second hand, or on some of the complication displays on watches. It truly makes a statement and gives it a little sporty appearance.
2. Orange

Orange is a fantastic substitute for red or pink if you don’t like those colors.
Once more, it ought to constitute merely 1% of your entire wardrobe. Stick to accent stitching and pocket squares as accessories rather than wearing an entire orange sports jacket that will make people’s eyes burn. I’ve seen orange accent stitching on jackets and boots that looked fantastic.
3. Brown

One of my favorite hues for a man’s clothing is brown. About 10% of your wardrobe should be composed of khaki and tan.
Brown is generally more informal. For less formal shoes, belts, and watch straps, it’s the preferred hue. Additionally, matching is a breeze when creating an interchangeable outfit.
4. Green

Some men use green solely as a spice, but I utilize it as a primary element as well. I have a good number of green sweaters and jackets.
Green has several drawbacks: compared to brown or khaki, green pants are far less interchangeable. But if you have enough blue jackets and shirts to go with them, they might work for you.
5. Blue

Without a doubt, the most common color in a man’s outfit is blue. If you’d like more precise measurements, around 26% of your wardrobe should be blue, with a slight bias toward navy. Don’t worry, these are only recommendations. 14% indigo and navy blue and 12% genuine blue
Blue is a very secure choice for your foundation pieces, such as your first suit, sports jackets, and jeans, because it’s easy to match, just like brown.
6. Gray

Gray conveys a sober, conventional sense of emotion. I believe it works best in an overcoat or other clothing that will become soiled at eighteen percent of your wardrobe
When it comes to matching and handling stains, gray is an incredibly forgiving hue. This also applies to shoes: as gray is colorless material, a light gray shoe will mix well with many lighter-colored pants
They are underappreciated classics that deserve more love. From light gray to charcoal, they go well with a broad range of shirts and coats.
7. White

Twenty percent or so of your clothes should be white. The color white conveys the qualities of cleanliness, virtue, and health. But all white can seem a bit clinical. While it’s timeless for dress shirts, you should generally choose off-white or cream for a jacket or sweater. Additionally, I believe that white looks fantastic for polo, particularly in the summer. For a truly stylish look, consider donning a white linen shirt. In fact, white helps you stay cooler in hot weather because it reflects sunlight.