
Benefits of Tomatoes in the Body




Benefits of tomatoes in the body. Rich in potent antioxidants, tomatoes improve heart health and may reduce the incidence of cancer. There appears to be no limit to what you can do with tomatoes. From the salsa on your chips to the ketchup dripping from your fries, they are present in and on our meals in every way. And, of course, an essential component of every salad.


1. Reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease

However, Globally, heart disease is one of the main causes of death. However, a diet high in tomatoes, which are high in lycopene, has been found to help lower this risk. According to a study of 25 earlier studies, having high blood lycopene levels decreased the risk of heart disease by 14%.

2. A decreased risk of cancer

Although, Consuming more tomatoes may reduce the incidence of stomach, prostate, and lung cancer, according to some research. Lycopene and beta-carotene in tomatoes are thought by researchers to lower your risk of developing cancer.

3. Defend yourself from sunburns

Meanwhile, tomatoes are beneficial for your skin in addition to your internal health. People who consumed 40 grams of tomato paste with olive oil every day for 10 weeks saw 40% less sunburns, according to a research. It is thought by researchers that tomatoes’ lycopene is responsible for this UV protection.

4. Encourage the Health of the Brain

Meanwhile, Lycopene and other antioxidants found in tomatoes may offer protection against AD, according to some research. People 70 years of age and older who consume more lycopene than others have been shown to experience a slower loss in cognitive function. To fully comprehend the potential preventive advantages of tomatoes, more human study is required, particularly on adults aged 60 to 65.

5. Stop Constipation

However, Inadequate consumption of fiber might lead to constipation.7 Consuming tomatoes, which are high in insoluble and insoluble fiber, may remedy constipation issues.

6. Low Risk of Cancer

Also, Men who eat a lot of tomatoes, especially cooked ones, are less likely to get prostate cancer, according to several studies.3 Antioxidants in tomatoes called beta-carotene and lycopene may have antitumor effects. The type of DNA damage in cells that can cause cancer to form and kill off cancer cells is prevented by antioxidants.


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