First it was fragrance Then it turned to fire My worship is my weapon This is how I win my battle The fragrance of my worship...
Generous God Naomi Raine lyrics For God so loved the world He gave His only Son Bringing joy to the world We have overcome All of...
People of God There are times and moments when we feel so down And we feel like all hope is lost But I came to tell...
This Kind God Oh Lyrics CHORUS This kind God oh I never see your type oh This kind of God oh Blessed be your holy name...
Amazing Grace by Solomon Lange Amazing grace is The sweetest sound that saved my life I once was lost but now I’m found Was blind but...
Anthony Brown- Speak your Name Lyrics When we speak Your name Something happens in the room Our hands go up We can’t wait to see...
Adonai by Patience ft. Nathaniel Bassey A-z lyrics [Intro Spoken words] Can you give him a shout of praise (Laugh) Eeeh Eeeh Eeeeh Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Ah-ah...
My Daddy My Daddy You′re my Dad, And Your Baby is Singing I will be Singing And Dancing and Shouting For the rest of Eternity My...
[Verse 1] Thou art worthy, Oh Lord In heaven and on earth None compared with you For thou hath created all things And for thy pleasure...
A-Z So Beautiful by Nathaniel Bassey lyrics [Verse 1] Show me what is So Beautiful Like Him, Like Him Like Jesus Show me what is So...