You flow through me
As a spring of water
Welling up to eternal life
I have drank
And would never thirst again, again, again
Fountain that won’t run dry
Fountain that won’t run dry
My Jesus! Fountain that won’t run dry
You are the Fountain that won’t run dry
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
I am the Fountain that won’t run dry
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
I will drink till I’m drunk
Come O Ye that thirsts
There is a fountain
This fountain never runs dry
Jesus will fill You up
He will fill You up with His fire
He will fill You up with His life
Come, Come, Come
Come and drink