Health Gains of Plantains
Health gains of plantains. Although they resemble bananas in appearance, plantains are usually fried before eating. Despite not being as sweet as bananas, they are rich in antioxidants and may be heart-healthy. In terms of calories, cooked plantains are quite similar to potatoes, although they have higher levels of some vitamins and minerals. Fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-6, as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium, are abundant in them. Your neighborhood grocery store should carry this undiscovered superfood.
Despite their sweet flavor, plantains are actually good for you, according to the dietitians we interviewed. You may wonder, what are these advantages of plantains? Full of vital nutrients, they can help improve digestive health and increase your energy levels. This is the reason why dietitians advise eating more plantains.
1. Healthy digestive system

Because it encourages bowel regularity, Fiber is significant. Fiber makes your feces softer and makes it heavier and larger overall. Because they are much easier to pass, bulky feces help avoid constipation. Consuming a diet rich in fiber may also lower your risk of diverticular disease, which is characterized by tiny pouches in the large intestine and hemorrhoids . Additionally, fiber slows digestion, promotes fullness, and may lower cholesterol.
2. Controlling weight

Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates aren’t always negative for weight management. Plantains provide complex carbohydrates in the form of fiber and starch. Compared to the simple carbohydrates present in processed foods, fiber and complex carbohydrates are less processed and digest more slowly. After a meal, they help you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer, which may reduce the amount of harmful snacks you eat.
3. Rich in antioxidants

One cup of plantains provides a good portion of the daily required quantity of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, this vitamin may strengthen your immune system. As an antioxidant, it may shield your body from the damaging effects of free radicals, which are linked to heart disease, aging, and even some types of cancer.
4. Beneficial to your heart

Plantains contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the maintenance of bodily fluids and cells that regulate blood pressure and heart rhythm. Additionally, plantains’ fiber helps decrease cholesterol, which maintains the healthiest possible heart.
5. Assist the immune system

As part of a diverse diet, plantains can assist support the immune system and are a rich source of vitamin C. However, vitamin C can be destroyed by heat and light. Hence, use as little non-boiling water as possible and cook plantains for a brief amount of time.
6.Include vitamin B6

which the body uses for a multitude of purposes. It is necessary for the proper metabolism of neurotransmitters and healthy red blood cells. One cup of plantains provides 17% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6.
7. Include potassium

For the heart, neurons, and muscles to operate normally, potassium is necessary. It aids in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Consuming a diet high in potassium helps control blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.
In addition to being high in carbohydrates, plantains are also a fantastic source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Antioxidants that combat free radicals are also present in them. They can also boost immune function if they contain adequate amounts of vitamin C. Similarly, their vitamin B6 level may elevate mood and lower cardiovascular risk.