How to build self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to your subjective perception of overall personal worth or value. it describes your level of confidence in your abilities. Healthy self-esteem can affect your motivation, mental health, and overall quality of life. However, having too high or low self-esteem might be hazardous. Understanding your level of self-esteem will help you find the correct balance for you.
1. Self-esteem has an impact on your decision-making abilities, relationships, emotional health, and overall well-being. It also has an impact on motivation, as people who have a healthy, positive self-image recognize their potential and may be inspired to take on new challenges.
Be gentle to yourself: get to know yourself. For example, consider what makes you happy. You might find it useful to write this in a journal. Try to fight negative views about yourself. You might automatically criticize yourself. If you notice yourself doing this, ask yourself, “Would I talk to a friend in this way?”.
2. Try to identify positives: Celebrate your achievements. Take the time to applaud yourself, no matter how minor your accomplishments may appear. This might be something as simple as going for a walk outside or cleaning up.
3. Create a support network by talking to someone you trust. Having someone listen to you and show that they care might be beneficial. If you are unable to open up to someone close to you, you can contact a hotline and speak with someone anonymously. For example, you may call Samaritans at 116 123.
4. Try talking therapy: Talking treatments can help to boost self-esteem. They can also assist you in developing coping strategies for experiences that have an impact on your self-esteem.