Love and Relationship

How to carry a conversation




How to carry a conversation – The art of making connection

What makes a good conversation?

Many components come together to make great conversation. These are few of the factors that help avoid those uncomfortable silences.

1. Active listening


When listening actively, the emphasis is on paying close attention to what the other person is saying. Occasionally, people listen to reply instead of hearing what their conversation partner has to say.

2. Asking and answering questions

Asking follow up questions about other person’s remarks can lead to a longer conversation. Alternatively, you can ask them about anything you’re curious to learn more about or that you didn’t dully comprehend

3. Finding mutual interests and similarities

Listen for experiences that you both share in common during the chat. Having similar interests might help you stay on topic and maintain smooth flow of discussion.

4. Having an intention for the conversation

It’s usually good idea to prepare plan for the conversation, whether you’re at networking event or you ran into coworker in the shop.

It’s usually good idea to prepare plan for the conversation, whether you’re at networking event or you ran into coworker in the shop.

10 tips to succeed at conversation

1. Ask lots of questions

Posing questions demonstrates your curiosity and attentiveness. Just remember to let the other person speak and take the initiative. You don’t want kids to experience questioning.

2. Avoid controversial topics

Always pay attention to the context and the person you are speaking with. Steer clear of subjects that can be interpreted as offensive or contentious. This could be anything from the most recent PTA meeting’s agenda to politics or religion.

3. Make eye contact

Maintaining eye contact with them demonstrates your interest in and participation in the discussion.

You convey to the other person that you are either preoccupied or uninterested in what they are saying if you are constantly gazing around

4. Smile

It’s very crucial to smile while striking up discussion.

Before you both speak, give your potential discussion partner smile. This will demonstrate your friendliness and approachability.

5. Give compliments

A complement is a kind gesture that is always appreciated. Your conversation partner will feel better about themselves if you compliment them. Plus, it will make your conversation richer.

6. Ask for advice or recommendations

Seek guidance or suggestions if you’re unsure of how to maintain discussion. This demonstrates your active listening skills and your appreciation for their opinions.

7. Maintain a positive attitude

We demonstrate our self-control when we conduct conversation with pleasant attitude.

Additionally, happy people are more likely to be preferred for chats than negative or frequently complaining individuals.

8.Prepare some topics beforehand

Prepare some talking ideas ahead of time if you want to know how to lead conversation with the greatest amount of success.

You can prepare speech topics for certain circumstances, including meetings with bosses, colleagues, or lifelong friends. If you prepare ahead of time, you won’t find yourself at loss for words.

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