By doing this, you’re assembling a marketing army that will be prepared to spread your content as soon as it goes live. Make use of every channel at your disposal to connect with them, including email blasts and extensive social media sharing.
While every pre-release plan is unique, it is imperative that you repeatedly remind your supporters of the release date in the run-up to it. There’s always a potential that a respectable portion of your fan base either missed your initial post or simply forgot about it. — Remember to remind them!
2. Make Sure Your Music Video’s SEO is On-Point
Making ensuring your music video is adequately optimized is essential to positioning it for optimal discoverability if it’s being posted on a YouTube channel. This entails checking that your video’s Title and Description match, properly labeling and classifying it, and using a captivating but truthful thumbnail.
3. Share Digitally and EVERYWHERE
It goes without saying that you should encourage your friends and family to share your music video on all of your social media platforms and share it yourself. To encourage followers to watch the video and—more importantly—to share it with their networks, use captivating post descriptions and call to action (CTAs).
4. Send Out An Email Blast
This is still another, more straightforward way to share, but one that not many musicians use. See our advice on how to create an emailing list for email marketing if you don’t already have one. It’s imperative that you gather emails on your artist website, and working on a video project with other artists can increase your email list.