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Medicated Glasses: Types and Uses



Medicated glasses; types and uses. It may surprise you to learn that different vision problems call for different vision corrections. Problems with the way light enters the cornea and travels to the retina are known as refractive problems. Different vision-correcting lenses are used to address these problems.


There is a particular perspective for every problem. Medicated glasses are eyeglasses that are typically prescribed by qualified eye specialists to treat a variety of eye conditions. Each kind is made especially to address a particular eye condition. Knowing the exact type of mediated eyewear, you’re wearing and its purpose is beneficial. Below is a list of some of them.

1. Lenses for single vision

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are examples of single-vision prescription glasses that are meant to treat a single visual issue. The entire glass has the same vision correcting component. This implies that single-vision glasses cannot be used by those with weak vision.

2. Eyewear for computers

Eye strain brought on by extended computer screen use is alleviated by the lenses of Computer glasses. The typical distance that individuals sit in front of their display is between 20 and 26 inches, which is the range at which computer glasses operate. Most computer glasses feature a specific coating, such anti-glare or anti blue, to reflect light back from digital devices and/or block out blue light radiation.

3. Reading glasses

These lenses are used to enhance vision at close range, often within 40 cm of the reader. These aid in improving near vision, however when used to observe distant objects, the vision becomes extremely blurry. Wearing reading glasses while moving about should be avoided since they might cause blurred vision, which increases the risk of falls. They are only intended for close reading.

4.  Multifocal lenses

People with several vision issues are typically the target audience for these type of lenses. The prescriptions for treating two or more visual issues are contained in these kinds of gases.

5. Lenses with prisms

You may become anxious if you experience double vision, particularly if it appears later in life. You may have strabismus, which is a mild problem, but you should run many tests to make sure nothing catastrophic is going on. When your eyes are not aligned properly, this occurs.

6. Lenses that rotate

An uneven curvature of the eye is the cause of astigmatism. A person with astigmatism has an eye that resembles an uneven basketball or an over-inflated football, whereas a normal eye is shaped like a football. You will receive a prescription for cylindrical lenses that adjust for this irregular curvature in order to fix it.

7. Round Lenses

You will be given a spherical lens if you have presbyopia, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. These lenses aid in properly focusing light onto the retina’s surface rather than in front of or behind it.




Eye safety is important, but it’s likely that you haven’t given it much thought. Maintaining the health of your eyes is crucial since failing to do so could literally cost you your vision. More than 2,000 eye injuries occur every day, making them widespread.

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