Exploring hip hop as a music. The cultural movement known as hip-hop gained immense popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. It also served as the soundtrack...
New seven wonders of the world. A Swiss foundation started an initiative to identify the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2000. Since only one...
How tuberculosis can be treated. TB is an age-old disease that still kills millions of people worldwide each year. However, it is preventable and treatable. See...
Causes of skin rashes on babies. Rashes, hives, warts, acne, birthmarks, and other skin disorders can affect infants and children. Dermatitis, bacterial infections, fungal infections, viral...
Treatment for muscle cramps. When your muscle is overstretched or torn, you get a strain, also known as a pulled muscle. This usually happens when a...
How to empathetic. People who are highly empathetic are more likely to be high-functioning in general, have more friends, and have deeper relationships. However, low empathy is linked...
Advancing workplace communication. This term describes the exchanges you have about your job. Being aware of when and how to communicate effectively at work can help...
Various types of infections. When a virus, fungus, or bacteria infiltrates a person’s body and causes damage, it’s called an infection. The immune system’s attempt to...
Tips for treating thyroid. Conditions affecting thyroid function are collectively referred to as thyroid disease. The two primary forms of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism....
How to become a technical writer. Doctors, engineers, chemists, and other specialists must explain complicated subjects to laypeople or less experienced professionals. This practice of simplifying...