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Prevention of Oral Thrush





Prevention of oral thrush. Babies’ and toddlers’ mouths frequently get thrush, fungal (yeast) infection . It can spread between nursing parents and newborns, although it’s rarely dangerous. A tiny quantity of fungus living in your mouth is normal. However, the fungus can sometimes grow quickly and cause a yeast infection.


When this kind of yeast infection grows inside your mouth, it causes oral thrush. Other names for it include oropharyngeal candidiasis, oral candidiasis, or just thrush. Due to their generally weakened immune systems, infants and elderly people are more likely to get oral thrush. However, it can happen at any age. Usually found on the tongue or inner cheeks, oral thrush develops creamy white spots or patches. Oral thrush can occasionally spread to the tonsils, gums, back of the throat, or roof of the mouth.


Oral thrush may not exhibit any symptoms in its early stages. However, one or more of the following symptoms could appear as the infection worsens: • irritation, pain, and redness under dentures. • dry, cracked skin at the corners of your mouth; • a bad taste in your mouth; • a loss of taste; • white or yellow spots on your inner cheeks, tongue, tonsils, gums, or lips; • slight bleeding if the spots are scraped; • soreness or burning in your mouth; • a cotton-like sensation in your mouth; Although it is rare, oral thrush can occasionally impact the esophagus. Yeast infections in other areas of your body can be caused by the same fungus that causes mouth thrush.


An overabundance of Candida albicans is the cause of oral thrush and other yeast infections. Fifty percent of people have it in their microbiomes naturally. A tiny quantity of Candida albicans usually lives in your mouth without doing any damage. Beneficial microorganisms in your body assist in controlling Candida albicans when your immune system is functioning correctly. However, the fungus may become unmanageable if your immune system is weakened or if the equilibrium of microorganisms in your body is upset. These can also cause oral thrush, Corticosteroids, Antibiotics, Birth control pills. 


Your doctor may prescribe medicine to cure oral thrush. These consist of: amphotericin B (AmBisome, Fungizone); generic nystatin; fluconazole; and itraconazole. Find out more about antifungal drugs. Oral thrush typically disappears in a few weeks after therapy starts. However, it can sometimes come back. Adults who experience recurrent episodes of oral thrush for which there is no known reason will have their health care provider assess them for any underlying medical disorders that may be causing the thrush. During their first year of life, infants may experience multiple episodes of oral thrush. Additionally, your physician might suggest some natural treatments for oral thrush.


Refrain from sharing cutlery and glasses with other people. • To help your immune system operate, eat a good diet and lead a generally healthy lifestyle. • Maintain proper dental hygiene by seeing your dentist on a regular basis, brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. • Schedule a consultation with your physician and adhere to their suggested course of therapy if you have a persistently dry mouth. • Make sure your dentures fit correctly, clean them every day, and take them off before bed. • After taking your corticosteroid inhaler, wash your mouth or brush your teeth. • Take action to control your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes.




A yeast infection of the mouth is called oral thrush. Although it can happen to adults, babies are most frequently affected. Although fungi often reside in our mouths, their quick growth might lead to an illness.


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Advantages of Slippery Elm



Advantages of slippery elm. Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is a tree indigenous to the central and eastern regions of the United States and Ontario, Canada. The inner bark of this tree has been utilized as a natural remedy for various common health issues, including fevers, wounds, and sore throats.


Also known as red elm or Indian elm, slippery elm is characterized by its dark brown to reddish-brown bark and can grow to a height of 60 to 80 feet. Native Americans traditionally harvested the slimy, red inner bark from its twigs and branches for therapeutic purposes. They discovered that when the bark is combined with water, it produces a sticky substance called mucilage, which is known for its soothing properties. Additionally, Native Americans would wrap the inner bark around meat to preserve it.

1. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

The bark of slippery elm acts as a demulcent, meaning it can soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines while alleviating irritation. Demulcents are often referred to as mucoprotective agents. Recent research indicates that slippery elm bark may assist in alleviating symptoms related to inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A small clinical trial suggested that a formulation containing slippery elm improved bowel movements in patients with constipation-predominant IBS; however, this formulation included multiple ingredients, and no conclusive studies have validated these results.

2. Soothing a Cough and Sore Throat

Slippery elm is rich in mucilage, a sticky blend of sugars that the human digestive system cannot break down. This mucilage coats the throat, which explains why slippery elm is commonly found in various throat lozenges on the market. It is thought to possess antitussive properties, making it beneficial for coughs and symptoms associated with other upper respiratory conditions such as bronchitis or asthma. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to confirm or dispute these assertions.

3. Urinary Tract Irritation

Slippery elm is often suggested for individuals suffering from unexplained inflammation of the urinary tract, such as those diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, commonly referred to as painful bladder syndrome. The powder derived from slippery elm is believed to provide relief by soothing the urinary tract lining, potentially alleviating the discomfort associated with irritating symptoms. However, further research is necessary to validate these assertions. Additionally, as a mild diuretic, slippery elm may enhance urine flow and assist in the removal of waste from the body.

4. Heartburn and GERD

Slippery elm may prove beneficial in managing occasional heartburn, also known as acid reflux. It is regarded as a natural remedy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic condition characterized by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, which irritates its lining.




Slippery elm is recognized for over-the-counter use as a demulcent, providing relief for sore throats and mucous membranes. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of clinical studies assessing the safety and effectiveness of slippery elm bark. While conclusive evidence regarding its complete safety and non-toxicity is lacking, there have been no documented cases of toxicity or adverse effects. It is important to note that, due to its mucilaginous properties, slippery elm may interfere with the absorption of certain medications, potentially reducing their efficacy.


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Benefits of Eating Boiled Banana



Benefits of eating boiled banana. Preliminary research on the impact of boiling bananas indicates that it may influence their nutritional content to a certain degree. For instance, one study suggests that boiling can enhance the release of vitamin A from bananas.


However, further investigation is necessary to comprehensively understand how the boiling process affects other nutrients present in bananas. While it remains uncertain whether boiled bananas are healthier or less healthy than their fresh counterparts, the added variety from boiling may encourage increased consumption.

Here are several health benefits associated with boiled bananas:

1. They can aid digestion

Particularly, green bananas have been found to alleviate diarrhea. Additionally, bananas are rich in fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics, all of which contribute positively to digestive health. For individuals with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, incorporating digestion-friendly foods may be especially beneficial.

2. Assist in lowering blood pressure

Unmanaged high blood pressure can elevate the risk of heart disease and stroke. The significant potassium content in bananas can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

3. Support healthy cholesterol levels

One notable advantage of consuming boiled bananas is that it may lead to a preference for underripe, green bananas, which offer numerous health benefits. These benefits include the potential to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the bloodstream. Nonetheless, the additional health advantages of green bananas—and whether they are specific to certain varieties are still under investigation.


While bananas are widely regarded as a nutritious food, excessive consumption of any item can lead to negative effects. Bananas are rich in fiber, which typically supports digestive health; however, an overabundance of fiber or a rapid increase in fiber intake can result in stomach cramps and bloating, particularly for individuals with digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome. It is advisable to introduce new foods gradually into your diet and maintain a diverse range of options. If you have any concerns regarding the suitability of boiled bananas for your diet, consult your healthcare provider.

1. Enhancing blood sugar levels

Bananas are abundant in soluble fiber, which dissolves in liquid during digestion to create a gel-like substance, contributing to the fruit’s unique texture. Additionally, unripe (green) bananas contain resistant starch, a type of fiber that is not digested by the body. The combination of these two fiber types may assist in stabilizing blood sugar levels post-meal and help regulate appetite by slowing gastric emptying.

2. Promoting digestive health

Dietary fiber is associated with numerous health advantages, including enhanced digestion. The resistant starch found in unripe bananas acts as a prebiotic, evading digestion and reaching the large intestine, where it serves as nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria (probiotics). Furthermore, pectin, a fiber present in both ripe and unripe bananas, may aid in preventing constipation and softening stools.

3. Supporting weight loss

Although no research has specifically examined the impact of bananas on weight loss, they possess several characteristics that could make them conducive to weight-loss-friendly food. With just over 100 calories in an average banana, they are low in calories yet rich in nutrients and satisfying. Their high content of dietary fiber and resistant starch may promote a feeling of fullness, potentially leading to reduced meal frequency and portion sizes.




Bananas are a widely enjoyed fruit that offers numerous potential health benefits. They may enhance digestion and cardiovascular health due to their fiber content and other beneficial properties.


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Benefits of Fennel Seeds



Benefits of fennel seeds. Fennel seeds are a spice derived from various types of the herb fennel plant. They possess a sweet and robust flavor reminiscent of licorice. Traditionally, fennel seeds have been a staple in Italian cuisine, but their versatility allows for incorporation into a wide range of dishes. In recent years, Western culinary practices have embraced innovative applications of fennel seeds in various recipes.


Globally, fennel seeds are also recognized for their medicinal properties, being utilized to alleviate issues ranging from menstrual discomfort to digestive gas. While some of these applications have been validated through research, others remain under investigation.

1. Weight Management

Fennel seeds are occasionally promoted as a tool for weight loss, and there is some evidence to support this assertion. An initial study indicates that the consumption of fennel seeds may help curb appetite and significantly reduce overeating during meals. For individuals struggling with obesity due to food cravings and excessive eating, fennel seeds might offer some assistance. Nevertheless, additional research is necessary to substantiate these effects. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using fennel seeds for weight management.

2. Cancer Prevention

A key compound in fennel seeds, anethole, has demonstrated potential cancer-fighting properties. Research indicates that anethole can effectively destroy breast cancer cells and inhibit the proliferation of both breast and liver cancer cells. Although these studies are still in the laboratory phase, the preliminary results are encouraging.

3. Enhancing Milk Production for Nursing Mothers

Breastfeeding mothers often face challenges in producing sufficient milk for their infants. Fennel seeds may provide a solution to this issue. The anethole found in fennel seeds has estrogen-like properties that may help stimulate milk production.

4. Heart Health

Fennel is rich in dietary fiber, which may contribute to heart protection. Fiber plays a role in regulating cholesterol  and blood sugar levels, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, both the fennel plant and its seeds possess antioxidant  and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Chronic inflammation can elevate the likelihood of cardiovascular issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

5. Anxiety

Traditionally, fennel has been utilized to alleviate anxiety. A review conducted in 2022 suggests that fennel extracts may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety. However, it is important to note that many of these studies were conducted on animals or involved small sample sizes, indicating a need for further research.

6. Digestion

The anti-inflammatory effects of fennel may aid in alleviating symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Fennel seeds have been commonly used as a digestive remedy across various cultures. A study from 2022 demonstrated that fennel seed extract provided protection against gastrointestinal inflammation in mice. While these protective properties may be beneficial for managing IBD symptoms, additional human studies are necessary.




Both the crunchy, flavorful bulb and the aromatic seeds of the fennel plant are nutritious and may provide various health benefits. To enjoy the advantages of fennel and its seeds, consider adding raw fennel bulb to your salads or using the seeds to enhance the flavor of soups, broths, baked goods, and fish dishes.

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