
Types of Animal husbandry



Cattle husbandry: isn’t all about milk or meat product. It also comes with some liabilities. To meet mortal conditions, we need to take good care and need proper operation of beast.

Food conditions of creatures are also a part of cattle tilling. To maintain high- yielding and complaint- resistant types, they must be handed with an acceptable water force and nutrient-rich fodder regularly according to their requirements. In cattle tilling, two factors are considered regarding the food of cattle. The Food that’s handed must keep the creatures healthy as well as should meet the husbandry demand. Hence, beast feed includes roughage( high fibre content) and concentrates( high proteins and nutrient content).

In addition to this, supplements containing micronutrients are also handed to creatures. An acceptable proportion of these sections promote healthy and high- affair creatures

Disease Management

The third responsibility of cattle tilling operation is to maintain complaint-free types. creatures aren’t an exception to complaint. They also suffer from multitudinous conditions. This may affect the health as well as productivity of creatures; indeed beget their death. spongers, bacteria, and contagions are the major villains then.

These microbes infect the cattle externally as well as

In cattle tilling, creatures are maintained in a rigorously aseptic manner with proper casing. For conservation, we need to follow some routines.

creatures and their shanties need to be gutted at regular intervals.
creatures should be brushed regularly to remove the dirt and bugs in their body.
The chalet should be well- voiced and encamped so that creatures are defended from rain, heat, and cold.

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