Environmental pollution

What is Environmental Pollution?




Any unwanted item that is added to the environment as a result of human activity and causes unfavorable changes to the ecology and environment is referred to as environmental pollution. Water contamination includes things like sewage water spilling into pristine water sources like rivers, tanks, etc.

Pollutants are the various substances that contaminate the environment. Chemicals, biological materials, and physical objects that unintentionally enter the environment and endanger humans and other living things directly or indirectly are all considered pollutants.

Primary Pollutants

They endure in the form that they are introduced to the environment, such as plastic and DDT.

Secondary Pollutants:

Created by the primary pollutants interacting, such as when nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons combine to form peroxyacetyl nitrate, or PAN.


Natural occurrences like volcanic eruptions, forest fires, grass fires, etc. emit these toxins.


These pollutants are emitted during human activity, such burning fossil fuels and producing CO2.

The very elements that sustain life on Earth, such as the water and air we drink, to a greater extent, the ecosystems we depend on, are all impacted by pollution. it therefore presents a risk to earthly life. One of the biggest threats to human and other living things health is pollution. Even while it has an impact on society as a whole, it disproportionately impacts vulnerable groups including the impoverished, women, and children. Additional socio economic effects of pollution include forced migration brought on by water crises, reduced agricultural yield, and food insecurity.

The swift rise  in human population has led to a multiplicity of anthropogenic activities. The majority of these activities alter the environment in a way that is undesirable.

Building activity has expanded recently due to rapid urbanization. This in turn is contributing to environmental contamination in a number of ways, including the creation of garbage and the emission of dust into the atmosphere.


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