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7 Worst Vocal Habits to Avoid!



1) Drinking Alcohol And Excessive Caffeine

This seems obvious, yet its one of the things i observe in the voice community the most. I’ve observed vocal teachers and musicians who believe their skills  protect them from harm, even while they smoke and drink frequently. Even while it might lessen some of the consequences,the struggle is still uphill. you’re not doing justice to your voice. Your body voice will appreciate you for breaking these negative behaviors

2)Using an improper vocal technique

Using improper technique can have lasting effects on your voice long term. It can cause you to constantly strain or consistently using shallow breaths and having tension when you sing. In the long term, that can damage your voice and make you lose clarity and limit your vocal range as well as cause your voice to be unreliable. It goes in and out. Sometimes you have a voice — sometimes you don’t. You never know what you’re going to get.

3. Chronic dehydration

There are people I’ve met who claim they dislike water. You are 50–75% water in your body, which astounds me. well-hydrated body has many health benefits. You run higher chance of suffering from problems including straining, raspiness, and voice loss when your vocal chords become dry.

5. Clearing your throat

Drink some water if you have scratchy throat. To clear your throat, don’t cough! Every time you clear your throat, you injure your voice cords little bit more, and your throat doesn’t get any better. In addition to taking expectorants during the day and cough suppressants at night, minimize the strain on your throat by taking throat lozenges and calming herbal teas along with your medication. Drink plenty of water to help break up the phlegm and keep your vocal cords hydrated.

5. Ignoring your body

Singing when unwell is NOT advised. Singing during your convalescence may result in polyps or cysts on your vocal cords, ruptures in the lining of your vocal cords, nodules that produce calluses on your cords, and fibrosis (thickening of the vocal fold lining). If left unchecked, all of this can result in irreversible harm, including persistent hoarseness, trouble with agility (the ability to switch between notes and registers without breaking), and in the worst situations, total loss of vocal range.

6. Not warming up

Never enter without warming up. You have to warm up your voice if you haven’t talked or sung all day. Without warm-up, pushing your voice through difficult parts can cause damage and irregularities in your range and performance. Never neglect to warm up!

7) Untreated acid reflux

If left untreated, excessive stomach acid can seriously harm your throat’s lining and esophagus, which can ultimately harm your vocal chords. It’s time to treat your acid reflux if you start to burp lot or get heartburn. Antacids, lighter, more alkaline diet, and lots of water consumption can help with this.


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An Overview of Music Genres



An overview of music genres. One of the most basic mediums for artistic expression is music. Since such beginnings are obscured by prehistoric haze, we are unable to determine when humans first began creating music. However, it is undeniable that people have been creating music in one form or another for a very long time. One of the most expressive and captivating art forms is music, whether it is performed by a complete orchestra of over 100 musicians or just one or two people chanting or drumming.


There are simply too many musical traditions, styles, genres, and subgenres to mention them all here. Hundreds of pages would make up such an inventory. This lesson will instead concentrate on three fundamental categories for creating and thinking about music: popular music, folk music, and Western art music.

1. Western art musics

This is distinguished by its sophisticated compositions, individual musicians’ virtuosity, use of standardized musical notation, and affiliation with Europe’s educated elite. In fact, this final component may be the most defining characteristic of Western art  Music . Since the Middle Ages, Western art music has established itself as the intellectually sophisticated substitute for popular folk and dance music.

2. Folk Music

Folk music is a  music genre used to create music rather than a genre. It is created over time by a community rather than being written by a single person. Generally speaking, folk music is always evolving, with new elements being added and others being removed.

3. Jazz music genre

Meanwhile, Jazz is an artistic-musical expression that has its roots in American communities in New Orleans. With its roots in the popular culture and inventiveness of the black communities residing in the area, one of its most significant development spaces, this manifestation would have emerged in the late 19th century in the New Orleans region.

4. The genre of classical music

Although, Aa sophisticated musical style, classical music is distinguished by its intricate instrumentation and representation in symphonies, operas, and other musical innovations. Classical music, also referred to as “erudite music,” has its roots in Western Christian sacred music traditions and dates back to the ninth century. Its expansion was particularly noticeable in the Middle Ages.

5. Christian Music genre

Meanwhile, gospel music is a genre of music that is primarily Christian and is created to express personal or collective beliefs.

6. Pop music

However, which is derived from the English pop music, which is a contraction of popular music, and is simply referred to as pop, is a type of popular music that began in the late 1950s as a fusion of traditional pop with other musical genres that were popular at the time.

7. Hip hop

Also, this is a type of dance music that originated in the United States in the 1970s as a funk derivative. It is distinguished by its electronic foundation and by its association with alternative forms like graffiti and break dancing. It employs a method called “rapping,” which is the rhythmic recitation of poetry.




Since ancient times, music has played a significant role in the human experience worldwide. A certain kind of music that can be recognized and set apart from other kinds is referred to by the terms “music style” and “music genre.”

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Reggae: A Musical Genre



Reggae: a music genre . Emerged from a fusion of various Jamaican and foreign influences in Jamaica in the late 1960s. One possible origin for its name is the Latin word “regi,” which means “to the king,” or “Rege-Rege,” which means “rugged clothes” in Jamaican slang. Bob Marley also proposed the idea that the word “reggae” is derived from a Spanish phrase that means “the king’s music,” which developed from popular Jamaican styles.


Reggae’s distinctive “offbeat” style, four-beat beat, and socially conscious lyrics were all products of this fusion. The themes of early reggae were romantic, but as the genre became more closely associated with the Rastafari, movement in the early 1970s, themes of social justice, spirituality, and rebellion became more prevalent. By tackling topics like colonialism, racial inequality, resistance, this thematic expansion solidified reggae as a voice for the oppressed. The Beltones’ No More Heartaches and Larry Marshall’s Nanny Goat, the first real reggae hits, were also released in 1968, solidifying the genre’s existence.


Menawhile, Bob Marley and the Wailers 1980 visit to Zimbabwe, where he performed at the country’s independence celebration, was a major factor in the rise in popularity of reggae in Africa. This was a significant turning point because reggae had already spread throughout Africa in the 1960s and 1970s thanks to the records of Marley and Jimmy Cliff, which sparked local scenes, especially in Ghana, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.

1. Style and Form

Also, with its abundance of unusual beats, reggae is all about rhythm. These are frequently staccato beats played on the offbeats of the measure by a guitar, piano, or occasionally both. The bass guitar is crucial to maintaining the rhythm because most reggae music has a “jumpy” feel to it.

2. Singing Style

However, due to its Jamaican origins, most reggae songs have a strong Jamaican accent. The majority of reggae music’s lyrics are rooted in a strong sense of hostility as well as the need to fight and survive. Reggae incorporates the call-and-response concept, indicating its African origins.

3. Culture

Although, the Rastafari movement and reggae are closely related because they both went global at about the same time, and reggae was a key tool for spreading the Rastafari message. Early reggae songs focused on romance and women, but by the 1970s, the genre had expanded to include more spiritual and political themes, drawing inspiration from the Nyahbinghi drumming tradition,

5. Timbre

Also, the bass gives the reggae genre a dark, round vibe by providing weight and anchor.

6. Making arrangements

However, the 4/4 meter is used in a fair number of reggae songs, with a strong focus on the unusual. Reggae songs typically have tempos between 80 and 110 BPM, which is a little slower than the typical commercial pop song. This is explained by the fact that reggae has a powerful groove that works best at slower tempos.




Meanwhile, the roots of reggae can be found in Ska and Rocksteady, two well-known Jamaican musical genres prior to the emergence of reggae. Beginning in the 1960s, well-known Jamaican musicians started to transition from rocksteady to reggae. Early reggae songs focused on romance and women, but because of its ties to the Rastafari movement, the genre started to touch on more spiritual and political themes by the 1970s.



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Exploring Hip Hop as a Music





Exploring hip hop as a music. The cultural movement known as hip-hop gained immense popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. It also served as the soundtrack for rap, a type of music that featured rhyming and rhythmic speech and became the movement’s most enduring and significant art form. Hip hop is genre of popular music .


The elements of the culture that initially attracted public attention graffiti, rapping and break dancing had the least impact. A Greek American teen is said to have initiated the graffiti movement in 1972 when he “tagged,” or signed, Taki 183 (his name and street, 183rd Street), on walls all over the subway system in New York City.


Hip-hop’sdancing,rapping, and  DJ mixer early stages were all connected by the common setting in which these art forms developed. DJ Kool Herc (Clive Campbell), an 18-year-old immigrant, was the first significant hip-hop deejay. He brought the massive sound systems of his native Jamaica to inner-city parties. He created a constant stream of music by combining popular dance songs with percussion snippets from old records using two turntables.


To highlight a musical rhythm

limbs can make popping fluid movements, like moving arms like an ocean wave, that highlight contractions of isolated muscles, locking or snapping arms or legs into held positions, frequently at sharp angles.

Up-rocking martial arts strikes

Also, kicks, andsweeps incorporated into the dance steps, frequently with the intention of “burning” an opponent; upright, fancy footwork; down-rocking dance moves; and

Power moves that require strength


Meanwhile, agility, and speed include acrobatic spins and flares.

Cypher group of b-boys and b-girls

Although, this abruptly stops a dance move to maintain a pose, frequently while balanced on a hand, shoulder, or head taking turns in the middle of the dance floor, juggling two or more recordings to create a unique musical arrangement, and using a back-spinning turntable technique that rapidly “rewinds” a portion of a recording beat.

Beat matching

However, this is the process of playing a recording at a certain moment after listening to another song that has a similar or identical rhythm break, or a breakbeat instrumental section of a song that highlights percussion and rhythm cues. End rhymes are rhymes that appear at the end of lines.

The vocal style of a rapper

Also, freestyle Rapping on the fly Words that rhyme within a line are used by West African oral storytellers and historians known as Griots. MC, which stands for “master of ceremonies,” is a performer who engages an audience through rap techniques.

Meter rhythm of a poem

However, persona character adopted by a performer, spoken-word lyrics performed to a beat; an aspect of hip hop that is known throughout the city for one’s graffiti; originally referring to the artwork on subway cars that appeared in all five boroughs of New York City; biting to steal another writer’s design or style.

Bombing to paint

However, numerous surfaces in an area; intricate, large designs; a crew team of writers that frequently collaborate to build one’s reputation or “rep” through graffiti



Although, without a doubt, hip hop incorporates these artistic components. However, it has also combined and gone beyond them to become a way to observe, celebrate, experience, comprehend, challenge, and make comments about life and the world. In other words, hip hop is a culture a way of life.

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