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How to do plank exercise effectively



The plank is a highly effective exercise for building core strength, stability, and endurance. It engages multiple muscle groups, including the abdominals, back, shoulders, and legs. To maximize the benefits and prevent injury, it’s essential to perform the plank with proper form. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do plank exercises correctly:

Preparation and Setup for plank exercise

1. Find a Suitable Surface:
– Choose a flat, stable surface like a mat or the floor to perform your planks.

2. Warm Up:
• Warm up with light cardio or dynamic stretches for 5-10 minutes to prepare your muscles and joints.

Basic Forearm Plank exercise

1. Starting Position:
– Begin by lying face down on the mat.
– Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders.
– Your forearms should be parallel to each other, with hands flat on the floor or fists clenched.
– Extend your legs straight back, with your toes tucked under and feet hip-width apart.

2. Engage Core and Lift:

– Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine.

– Lift your body off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your heels.

– Ensure your hips are not sagging or piking up; maintain a neutral spine.

3. Hold the Position:

– Hold this position for as long as you can while maintaining proper form.

– Keep your head in a neutral position by looking slightly ahead of you, not down.
– Breathe steadily throughout the hold.

Tips for Proper Form

– Body Alignment: Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Avoid letting your hips drop or rise too high.

– Elbow and Shoulder Alignment: Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders to avoid unnecessary strain on your shoulders.

– Core Engagement: Actively engage your core muscles to support your lower back and maintain stability.

– Breathing: Breathe steadily and avoid holding your breath.

Modifications and Variations

1. Knee Plank:

– If the standard plank is too challenging, start with a knee plank.

-Perform the same steps as the forearm plank but keep your knees on the ground.

– Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to knees.

2. High Plank (Straight Arm Plank):

Plank exercise
– Begin in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
– Extend your legs back, keeping your body in a straight line.
– Engage your core and hold the position.


3. Side Plank:

– Lie on your side with your legs extended.
– Prop yourself up on one forearm, with your elbow directly under your shoulder.

– Stack your feet on top of each other and lift your hips to form a straight line from head to feet.
– Hold the position and then switch sides.

4. Plank with Leg Lift:

Plank exercise
– Start in a standard forearm or high plank position.
– Lift one leg off the ground, keeping it straight and in line with your body.
– Hold for a few seconds, then switch legs.

5. Plank with Arm Lift:

– Begin in a high plank position.
– Lift one arm off the ground and extend it straight in front of you.
–  Hold for a few seconds, then switch arms.

6. Plank to Push-Up:

-Start in a forearm plank.

– Transition to a high plank by pushing up onto one hand, then the other.

– Lower back down to the forearms, alternating which hand you lift first.


– Increase Duration: Gradually increase the time you hold the plank as your strength and endurance improve.

– Add Variations: Incorporate different plank variations to challenge your muscles and prevent boredom.

– Increase Intensity: Once you can hold a plank with proper form for over a minute, consider adding resistance by wearing a weighted vest or using resistance bands.


Plank exercises are a versatile and effective way to build core strength and stability. By following the proper form and incorporating variations and progressions, you can maximize the benefits of your plank routine. Always listen to your body and avoid pushing through pain to prevent injury. With consistency and dedication, planks can be a valuable addition to your fitness regimen.

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Swimming Techniques for You



Swimming techniques for you. This is a great way to stay fit and healthy in addition to being a fun and refreshing activity. Learning the fundamentals of swimming is essential for increasing your effectiveness, speed, and general performance in the water, regardless of your level of experience. You can improve your swimming abilities and make the most of the water throughout the summer by adding techniques to your routine.


It’s best to learn a variety of swimming strokes because they each have unique benefits in various contexts, whether your goal is to improve your swimming skills for competition, fitness, or safety. The freestyle stroke, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke, and sidestroke are the most common swimming strokes and styles. Because of their versatility, swimmers will be able to participate in a variety of competitions. Learning all the strokes will give you a more thorough workout because different muscles are used for different exercises. Depending on the risks of a given scenario, various strokes can be employed for safety.

1. Front Crawl and Freestyle

When you think of swimming, the front crawl is probably the first stroke that comes to mind. Since it is the fastest, most swimmers opt to use it in freestyle events, hence its common name, the freestyle stroke. You lay on your stomach with your body parallel to the water to perform the front crawl. Using alternating arm motions, push yourself forward in a windmill-like motion that begins underwater and recovers above water. A flutter kick, which is executed with pointed feet as your legs alternately move up and down, should propel you forward. Avoid knee bends in your legs.

2. The backstroke

This is performed on your back, as the name implies, but it calls for similar motions to the front crawl. Because it offers a fantastic back workout, doctors frequently suggest this stroke to people who have back issues. The backstroke involves moving your arms in a windmill motion to propel yourself backwards while floating on your back. Similar to the front crawl, push underwater with your arms to begin the circular motion, then recover above the water. You should flutter kick your legs. Look straight up so that your face is above the surface.

3. The breaststroke

The breaststroke is the most frequently learned swimming stroke and the slowest in competitive swimming. Because it doesn’t involve submerging your head, it’s frequently taught to beginning swimmers. In competitive swimming, however, swimmers do breathe and submerge their head at specific points during the stroke. Your stomach should be facing down when you perform this stroke. In front of your body, your arms move in a half circle beneath the water’s surface at the same time. At the same time, your legs execute the whip kick. To perform the whip kick, bend at the knees and hips to bring your legs from straight behind you close to your body.

4. The butterfly

An advanced swimming stroke that offers a great workout is the butterfly. Learning it can be more challenging and exhausting, but it’s also a lot of fun. Olympic legend Michael Phelps favors this stroke, which is the second fastest in competition. With your stomach facing the bottom of the pool, begin the butterfly stroke horizontally.




Hard work and practice are the best ways to get better or become truly great at any sport. Regardless of age or ability level, learning to swim is a great place to start. Above all else, get as much time in the water as you can!


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Types of Exercise at the Gym





Types of exercise at the gym. The great thing about fitness programs is that they aren’t all the same. Everybody at your gym has distinct workouts, rep counts, set numbers, and techniques that they use on a daily basis, depending on their personal goals.


Some people will even have entirely different gym practices; some will stick to tried-and-true weight routines , while others prefer bodyweight exercises and greater flexibility . There are more than enough fundamental exercises that anybody who visits the gym should at least take into consideration, even though there will never be a single, all-inclusive training list.

1. Deadlifting

this move, which is the mainstay of many gym regimens, will primarily work your legs and back while strengthening your complete body if performed correctly.

2. Row of T-Bars

The T-bar row is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s  favorite back exercise , and thanks to the Austrian Oak’s blessing, it surpasses all other mortal workouts.

3. The dog-bird

This version on the plank tests your ability to maintain a flat and stable back, even if you might appear a little odd performing it. It proves that not all fundamental exercises involve bending bars, clanging plates.

4. 30-Degree Pulldown Lat

This variant on the classic pulldown targets your shoulders and forearms in addition to strengthening your center and upper back.

5. The pullup

Everyone should perform the pullup, a traditional strength-training exercise, in the gym. In any case, don’t sacrifice form for repetitions. For the biggest reward, keep your legs straight.

6. The Farmer’s Walk

The outcomes of  This workout are anything from ridiculous. Simply stand up straight and begin walking while holding a few heavy dumbbells in each hand. It’s that easy! The farmer’s walk can be used as a severe finisher or as a warm-up.

7. The trap bar carry

Although it resembles the farmer’s walk, the trap bar carry enables you to lift more weight. The exercises are basically the same, except for the equipment: Put a lot of weight on your trap bar, step within, raise it, and begin to walk.

8. Incline of the Seat Dumbbell Curl

Although curling while seated might seem like a little change to standing, you won’t be able to ignore how much strain this exercise puts on your arms. For best results, sit on a bench that can be adjusted from 45 to 60 degrees.

9. Barbell Curl

Standing This classic bodybuilding exercise is a mainstay for developing larger biceps. Curl the barbell as close to your shoulders as you can while bending your elbows in a deliberate move. After pausing at the summit, raise your arms back to their starting position.

10. Shrugs

can be performed in a variety of ways. Depending on how your gym is set up, you can use the trap bar, get on a calf machine, or use a specialized shrug machine. But the outcome is always the same, regardless of the approach you take: Big. Honkin’. Traps.




Numerous significant problems concerning physical activity are addressed by beginning to exercise. It will also assist you in establishing and sticking to a fitness regimen that fits your skills, way of life.

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Indoor Workout Ideas



Indoor workout ideas. Yoga positions and strength training routines that use your body weight as resistance are great ways to work out at home without any equipment. Don’t be put off by the thought of working out at home! When done properly, you can outdo yourself with simply your body weight.


Therefore, find a spot in any room and get ready to sweat, regardless of whether you enjoy going to the gym or you are pressed for time. Start where you feel ready and work your way up. The bodyweight exercises we’ve described below can be scaled for beginner, moderate, and advanced exercisers.

1. Bridge

Use a bridge to activate your core, which is another name for the backend of your body. This is an excellent warm-up exercise. Place your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees, and keep your arms out by your sides while lying on your back. Raise your bottom off the floor until your hips are completely extended, squeezing your glutes at the top, while pushing through your feet and strengthening your core.

2. Chair Squats

Strengthening your legs and core with squats may make daily tasks simpler. Mastering good form can be achieved by beginning with a chair underneath. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and put your toes slightly out in front of the chair. Lower yourself till your bottom meets the chair by bending your knees and hinging at the hips. This will allow your arms to reach out in front of you.

3. Push-ups on the knee

Before attempting a regular pushup, try this beginner-style pushup to help you develop your strength.

4. Stationary lunge

Perform a stationary lunge to work your quadriceps, and glutes. With your right leg in front of you, split your stance. Your left foot should be up on its toes, and your right foot should be flat on the ground. When your right thigh is parallel to the floor, halt your lunge by bending your knees.

5. Plank to downward dog

Your shoulders in particular will be put to the test with this exercise. With your feet close together and your hands piled beneath your shoulders, assume a high plank position. Pike your hips up and back into the Downward Dog position while maintaining a tight core and keeping your hands and feet still. The ground and your body should create a triangle. Maintain a neutral neck position. Make sure your eyes are on your feet.

6. Donkey kicks

Use donkey kicks to strengthen your glutes. Place yourself on all fours, knees in line with hips, hands in line with shoulders. Push your right foot out to the wall behind you while maintaining a straight back and leg.

7. Bird dog

The Bird Dog stance is a full-body exercise that demands stability and balance and may be readily scaled to your level of skill. If you’re new to this, start with this version. Make sure your knees are beneath your hips and your hands are squarely beneath your shoulders when you get on fours.




Regardless of your level of fitness, bodyweight exercises will make your at-home workout difficult. You might be well on your way to learning the advanced routine in a few months if you start with our beginning routine.

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