Positive effects of nostalgia. The term “nostalgia” refers to a sentimental longing for the past that combines occasional melancholy with...
GENDER INEQUALITY Gender inequality. Discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender that results in one sex or gender being regularly given preference over another is...
The Four Types of Sleep Disorders See the four types of sleep disorders and learn how to improve your quality of sleep. 1. Lack of sleep...
Pride is a complex and multifaceted emotion that has been both celebrated and vilified throughout human history. At its core, the paradox of pride encompasses a...
Pride, a fundamental aspect of human nature, can be both a driving force for achievement and a stumbling block to personal growth. Learning to navigate the...
Stress-Reducing Activities You Can Do at Home I don’t know about you, but even in typical, non chaotic moments, i can tell when i’m anxious because...
Fun Things to Do by Yourself at Home or Beyond There’s a genuine satisfaction in working independently. However, it happen all too often for people,...
Signs of Low Self-Esteem A person with low self esteem generally feels unworthy of themselves. it basically means that you don’t think well of yourself. Many...
What can lower self-esteem? Self esteem is subject to change both daily and moment to moment. There are moments when you have a strong sense of...
Tactics to improve your self-esteem 1. Write out a list of things you admire about yourself It can be difficult, even uncomfortable, to take a...