Fresh Wind- Hillsong Lyrics ( wind blow) VERSE 1: Spirit sound Rushing wind Fire of God fall within Holy Ghost Breathe on us we pray Spirit...
Beautiful Name – Hillsong worship ( heaven) Verse 1 You were the Word at the beginning One with God the Lord Most High Your hidden glory...
Ten Thousand Tongues Lyrics By Gratitude Coza If I sing of Your Glory Chigeji ch-igabo If I Tell all Your Story Chig-eji chigabo If we...
VERSE: Lead me to the Rock ‘Cause I need som-ething higher Higher than the world could understand Foolish as the cross Humble as the price...
The Sacred sound by Dunsin Oyeken lyrics There is a sound It was heard in Hades Opened the gates And they came out of the cave...
First it was fragrance Then it turned to fire My worship is my weapon This is how I win my battle The fragrance of my worship...
Generous God Naomi Raine lyrics For God so loved the world He gave His only Son Bringing joy to the world We have overcome All of...
People of God There are times and moments when we feel so down And we feel like all hope is lost But I came to tell...
This Kind God Oh Lyrics CHORUS This kind God oh I never see your type oh This kind of God oh Blessed be your holy name...
Amazing Grace by Solomon Lange Amazing grace is The sweetest sound that saved my life I once was lost but now I’m found Was blind but...