How to Back Up Your Data: 6 Effective Strategies to Prevent Data Loss One of the most crucial steps in safeguarding data in the case of...
Easy Ways to Backup WhatsApp Chats and Restore them What is a WhatsApp Backup This option ( ways) allows you to set the frequency of automatic...
How Do You Know You Love Someone? 7 Signs That You’re Falling in Love 1. You can’t stop thinking about the person ( love ) Really...
What to do for healthy teeth and gums Maintaining healthy teeth and gums requires practicing good oral hygiene. It entails routine dental checkups and brushing twice a day, among other practices. The following are some best practices that can keep teeth and gums healthy.. 1. Brush regularly...
What time is brunch? The playful English term “brunch” refers to “early lunch” or “brunch”, and it is derived from the words “breakfast” and “lunch.” It...
Common Causes of Car Accidents 1. DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENTS Thirty Two people die per day om average due to drunk driving. However, there have been fewer...
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality In order to increase the quality of the indoor air, ventilation is the process of bringing outside air into a building...
Fast Foods That Can Get In Nigeria Fast food is quick, simple, and convenient. If you have a demanding job requiring long hours each day and...
What is Social Media Networking App? Users and organizations can connect, interact, share information, and build relationships via information, and build relationships via social media networking...
SIDE EFFECTS OF CARBONATED DRINKS Soft drink use with high sugar content is most frequently linked to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. However, drinks can also harm your teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and even obvious tooth rot. .. The sugars in soda combine with oral bacteria to produce acid when you drink it. IT CAN CAUSE TOOTH DECAY The bacteria in your mouth produce chemicals that can erode the strong enamel on your teeth as they feed on sugar. The soft, inner core of your tooth becomes visible due to enamel loss, which is when a cavity forms. When you consume fizzy soda that has been sweetened, the sugar stays in your mouth and accelerates the processes that cause tooth decay. BELCHING AND HEARTBURN Carbon dioxide that has been dissolved in carbonated drinks turns into a gas in your stomach when it gets to body temperature. The accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in your stomach might induce frequent belching when you consume carbonated soft beverages. When you belch, food particles and stomach acid may enter your food pipe, giving you heartburn and a foul aftertaste. INCREASED RISK OF...