Horned melon health benefits. When a horned melon is ripe, its thick outer skin is bright orange and covered in tiny horns or spiky projections. A gelatinous, lime-green or yellow material that contains numerous edible seeds makes up the interior flesh. The unique and nutrient-dense horned melon is an African fruit with numerous health advantages. It is a strange-looking fruit that is native to central and southern Africa.
horned melon’s thick outer skin is bright orange when mature and covered with tiny, spiky projections called horns. A gelatinous, lime-green or yellow material that contains numerous edible seeds makes up the interior flesh. Even though it’s not a fruit you’ll often see in a fruit basket, eating it could be beneficial to your health.
1. Offers Antioxidants

In addition to being nutrient-dense, horned melon has a number of strong antioxidants, several of which are also nutrients. Certain foods include molecules called antioxidants that can shield your body from oxidative stress-induced cellular damage. Over time, excessive oxidative strain can lead to inflammation and compromised cellular function, even though oxidative processes are a normal element of human metabolism.
2. Promotes Red Blood Cells

A good source of iron, horned melon supplies roughly 13% of your daily requirements. Hemoglobin, an iron-containing material stored in red blood cells, is what carries oxygen throughout your body. Therefore, your body needs a sufficient amount of dietary iron to make enough healthy red blood cells for appropriate oxygenation.
3.Control of Blood Sugar

Because of its low glycemic index, horned melons don’t significantly raise spike in blood sugar after consumption. It’s also a great source of magnesium, a mineral that plays a direct role in insulin and glucose metabolism.
4. Promotes Appropriate Hydration

It’s common to think of water alone as the definition of hydration. However, maintaining a healthy fluid status also requires electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and salt. Horned melons are good for boosting hydration because they are primarily composed of water (approximately 88%) and also include carbohydrates and electrolytes. You may stay hydrated and energized throughout the day by munching on a fruit like this on a hot summer day or after engaging in strenuous exercise.
5. Boost Your Mood

magnesium and zinc, two elements found in horned melons, are directly linked to mental well-being and the preservation of normal brain function. Zinc and magnesium both contribute to the synthesis of mood-influencing neurotransmitters and are associated with a number of mood related illnesses, including anxiety and depression.
6. Keeps your heart safe

Magnesium, a necessary mineral that helps relax the heart muscles, regulate blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular illnesses, is plentiful in horned melons. Elevated magnesium levels can lower the risk of coronary heart disease, ischemia, stroke, hypertension, and other metabolic disorders including diabetes.
7. Promotes healthy skin

Horned melon’s water and vitamin C may aid in the formation of collagen, the healing of wounds, and defense against sun.
Originating in Africa, horned melon is an unusual fruit with a high nutritional profile that provides a number of health benefits. It might appear somewhat scary because to the spikes covering its thick orange rind. But all you have to do to consume it is cut it open and remove the pulp with a spoon.