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Interpersonal relation

How to be Empathetic



How to empathetic.  People who are highly empathetic are more likely to be high-functioning in general, have more friends, and have deeper relationships. However, low empathy is linked to a number of personality disorders, including narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Being more sympathetic may seem like a difficult task, but it is achievable with time and practice.


Empathy is the capacity to comprehend another person’s experience to the point where you can picture going through it yourself. It serves as the cornerstone of compassion,  kindness and comprehension. Understanding the needs, feelings, and experiences of others is beneficial in relationships. It differs from sympathy, which is only concerned with reacting or responding to the events. Being able to place oneself in another person’s shoes is a step up from empathy. Finding additional opportunities to demonstrate empathy in your daily life is always a good idea, though. Here are some excellent starting points:

1. Develop an interest in people you don’t know

People who are interested in others around them are said to be empathetic. They might openly observe others or start a conversation with complete strangers. They are individuals who have retained the innate curiosity that all children possess. Because it exposes us to people, lifestyles, and worldviews we might not otherwise encounter, this curiosity aids in empathy.

2. Pay more attention

Each and every one of us has prejudices. There are always ways to categorize other people and draw conclusions about them from cultural stigmas or stereotypes. When we treat others in this way, we fail to recognize their individuality and distinctive characteristics. This can aid in our comprehension of them.

3. Imagine yourself in another person’s position

For instance, try to learn more about the homeless person’s life rather than just observing their unclean appearance as you pass them in the train station. This could be anything from greeting them and bringing them a meal or care package to helping out at a  homeless shelter. In any case, one of the best ways to develop empathy is to immerse yourself in the lives and experiences of others.

4. Share as well as listen

Being empathetic involves more than just feeling sorry for other people; it also involves demonstrating our own feelings to them. To establish a positive and compassionate relationship with another person, you must be honest with them about your true feelings and thoughts. Because it is not a one-way street, empathy is wonderful. Both ways are possible.

5. Make contact with social action campaigns

It’s not necessary for empathy to be solely an individualistic idea. It can exist on a global or local level and reach sizable populations. Participating in charitable endeavors or advocacy groups is a fantastic way to demonstrate empathy.

6. Make it creative

People frequently believe that someone doesn’t deserve empathy simply because they disagree with them or because they lead a different lifestyle than they do. When empathy appears difficult or even unattainable, it is crucial to use your imagination and creativity.



Although some people may lack empathy, most people can relate to others in a range of circumstances. In our social lives, the capacity to understand and sympathize with the feelings and viewpoints of others is crucial. Empathy enables us to comprehend others and frequently motivates us to act to alleviate their suffering.


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Why Couples Should Pray Together





Why couples should pray together. It is rare for many couples to pray together when married. If it takes place at all, prayer normally takes place right before bed or at the end of family meals. Additionally, praying together may appear particularly unique during times of special stress or need. Otherwise, prayer is rarely a regular part of a married couple’s routine and typically takes up a little amount of time.

Why Couples should Pray Together

Praying together as a married couple is crucial. If you haven’t done it regularly, praying with your spouse may feel odd at first, but it will eventually become a source of consolation and encouragement. Everywhere, we must inspire couples to intentionally pray together.  The benefits of praying together as a married couple are listed below since the divorce rate data is too significant to overlook. Even if you might not believe polls or statistics, I can tell you that one of the best things for marriage is praying together. Here are a few advantages:

1. Prayer increases closeness There is a level of closeness that marriage offers that no other relationship on earth can match. Through joint prayer, a rich environment is created for connection to gradually deepen and expand.

2. Prayer makes your love for one another stronger. If you pray for someone, your love for them will deepen. You take into account the needs, pains, and hearts of others when you pray for them. It provides you with an opportunity to listen, explain what’s happening, and pray for them.

3. It Offers Positive Support Your marriage will only get stronger if you know your partner is praying for you and is interested in your life.

4. Communication is made possible through prayer. We frequently discuss prayer requests with one another prior to our group prayer. I truly value the time we spend together discussing prayer requests, especially in a world when couples spend more time on screens and less time together.

5. Collective prayer promotes forgiveness. Every night before we turn in for the night, we all say a prayer. Our evening prayer routine is a terrific method to defuse tense situations when we’ve argued or are simply cranky with one another.

6. Calls for the presence of God It’s crucial that you and your partner don’t overlook this. You all have unique relationships with God, to be sure, but keep in mind that God ought to be at the center of yours as well.

Praying tips

1. Pick a reliable time of day. After dinner, right before bed, or right after waking up. Decide on a time that suits you.

2. Pursue prayer periods together with intention.

3. Share requests for time as frequently as it is appropriate. This provides you with precise prayer points.

3. Show encouragement and gratitude. Many people, including their spouses, may feel bashful about praying in public.

4. If you are unsure where to begin, consult Scripture as part of your prayer.



Prayer is crucial because it is the catalyst for all significant marital change. One way to experience genuine connection and unity with the Lord is via group prayer. It may and should develop into a beloved and frequent routine rather than just an occasional activity. It’s possible that you will both look forward to praying together. Something that genuinely offers solace during times of gloom and happiness during times of celebration.

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Importance of having Best Friends




Importance of having best friends. Friendship is vital, as we all know. We go to the gym with some friends, go shopping with others, and go out for coffee. Even though you have a friend for any situation, having a best friend is a huge life advantage.



1. Ease with a best buddy

You don’t have to fill in the blanks. They already have intimate knowledge of every aspect of your life. picking up a book and knowing precisely where you left off is similar to that.

2. Linkage

Being by ourselves is among our most fundamental anxieties. It is comforting to know that your best friend is there, even if they are in a different time zone or just around the block. It gives you a sense of being connected and not just free-floating in space.

3. Unconditional assistance

Even if they have witnessed both our best and worst sides, best friends still adore us. We should have someone with whom we are completely comfortable.

4. Boost to self-esteem

We can build our self-esteem with the support of good friends. Having someone in our life who thinks we are important someone who wants our opinion on things and who values our company makes us feel wanted, boosting self-esteem,

5. Sincere thoughts

Moreover, our closest friends will be completely honest with us. They can be honest because they know you well. Thus, when your best friend looks you in the eye, shakes their head, and suggests that you reconsider a potentially foolish choice, thank them.

6. An innovative view

We all have unique experiences and viewpoints, yet sharing things with a great friend can teach us new things about ourselves. Our eyes may be opened to fresh perspectives and thoughts about the world by the things they share with us.

7. Insights from life

You are more likely to confront a close friend and talk about what has hurt you than you are to do the same with someone you don’t know well. Being able to get through this with a close friend helps you be ready for other challenging situations in life.

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Unconscious Bias in the Workplace




Unconscious bias in the workplace. To make sense of the complex world we live in, our brains are designed to categorize objects we come across. However, biases can lead us to develop prejudices against other people, which makes it possible for stark disparities to arise between various demographic groups.



Types of unconscious bias

Although, apart from gender prejudice, there exist several additional forms of implicit bias that have a disproportionate impact on women’s career advancement. These types of bias include:

Unconscious bias in performance support
However, when employers, managers, and coworkers provide one gender (usually men) more resources and opportunities than another, it’s known as performance support bias.

Unconscious bias in performance reviews
Also, even in cases when the evaluations are solely merit-based, performance review bias happens when supervisors, employers, and coworkers evaluate employees of one gender differently from those of another.

Unconscious bias in performance rewards
Meanwhile, when coworkers, supervisors, and employers treat a female employee differently from a male employee, this is known as performance reward bias. Promotions, pay increases, or other merit-based benefits are examples of rewards.

However, there are various ways to curb unconscious bias in the workplace. These are indicated below:

Ways to reduce unconscious bias

1. Acquire knowledge about unconscious biases.
Make sure that every employee in your company understands the existence of prejudices.

2. Determine which prejudices are most likely to have an impact on you.

3. Also, Ascertain the potential impact of prejudices on your organization.

4. Teach staff members to recognize and address bias.

5. However, Update the hiring procedure.

6. Meanwhile, Use statistics to guide your choices.

7. Also, Consider diversity when making employment selections.

8. Motivate group members to discuss their prejudices.

9. Make workers answerable.

10. Establish objectives for inclusion, equity, and diversity.


A 2017 study on gender bias from the Harvard Business Review

women are unfairly assigned inferior accounts

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