
How Tuberculosis can be Treated




How tuberculosis can be treated. TB is an age-old disease that still kills millions of people worldwide each year. However, it is preventable and treatable. See your doctor immediately if you suspect tuberculosis. Make sure you finish your treatment and take precautions to protect others if you have been diagnosed with tuberculosis. Another name for tuberculosis is TB. It is a  notifiable disease.


Although not everyone who contracts tb becomes ill, you must receive treatment if you do. If the bacterium is present in your body but you do not exhibit any symptoms, you have latent TB. TB may appear to have disappeared, but it is actually dormant within your body. If you have active tuberculosis, exhibit symptoms, and are communicative, or


However, these medications are used to treat TB infection and disease: Ethambutol (Myambutol) Isoniazid Pyrazinamide Rifampin

1. For Children

For postnatal TB, many experts increase the treatment duration to 9 or 12 months because of the possible impaired immune system in children younger than 12 months. Isoniazid tablets may be crushed and added to food. Isoniazid liquid without sorbitol should be used to avoid osmotic diarrhea, which can cause decreased absorption.

2. For Latent TB

Meanwhile, after active infection and disease have been ruled out, patients who have a positive interferon-gamma release assay result or a clinically significant tuberculin skin test result should begin treatment for latent TB.

3. For Pregnant Women

Although, even in the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant patients with active tuberculosis should receive treatment. Ethambutol, rifampin, and isoniazid may be used. Pyrazinamide is frequently administered to pregnant TB patients. Since streptomycin has been demonstrated to have negative effects on the fetus, it should not be used.

4.TBpatients on pyrazinamide

should have baseline and recurring serumuricacid tests,and TBpatientsonlong-termethambutoltherapy should have baseline and recurring tests for visualacuity and red-greencolorperception. A common test, like the Ishihara test for color blindness, can be used for the latter.


Not all of the bacteria will be eliminated if you don’t take all of the medication that your doctor has prescribed. For as long as prescribed, sometimes up to nine months, you will need to take these drugs. Certain types of tuberculosis have developed drug resistance. It’s crucial, and it’s likely that your doctor will treat TB with multiple medications. Completing your prescription in its entirety is crucial.


To get infected, you typically need to spend a lot of time around someone who has active TB. Following infection prevention recommendations such as:

• Although, Regularly and thoroughly washing your hands is beneficial.

• Also, When you cough, cover your mouth or cough into your elbow.

• However, Steering clear of intimate contact with others. Ensuring that you take all of your prescriptions as directed.

• Meanwhile, Not going back to work or school until your doctor has given the all-clear.




Also, when TB is active, it can spread easily. However, in order to contract it, you typically need to come into close contact with an infected person. The only way it spreads is through airborne droplets. The majority of TB exposure survivors are able to fend off the bacteria and prevent it from becoming active.


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