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The Federal Ministry of Education is in charge of overseeing education in Nigeria. Local government is in charge of carrying out state-mandated policies about public education and state schools. Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary education are the four divisions of the education system.


Education in simple terms, refers to both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge from someone else.

There are various levels of the educational system in Nigeria. these include;


For most Nigerians, primary education starts around age 5. After completing six years of primary school, students receive their first certificate of school leaving.


Mathematics, English, Christian and Islamic religious knowledge, agricultural science, home economics, and one of the three major indigenous languages and cultures Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo are among the subjects taught at the primary school level. Private schools also offer French, Fine Arts, and Computer Science. To be eligible for admission to private, state, and federal government secondary schools, primary school students must take the Common Entrance Examination.


The second official level of education, secondary school, commonly referred to as high school, typically lasts from the ages of 11 to 13 to the ages of 15 to 18. However, It is the formal education provided before college and after primary school. Although classes 6–8 may also be included in middle school, secondary school normally consists of grades 9–12.

In Nigeria, education is vital and has a big impact on both individual growth and the country’s advancement.

Education in Nigeria has voluminous benefits and these include the below;


1. Investment in Human Capital: The foundation for building human capital is embedded in education.

2. Mitigating  Poverty: One effective strategy for reducing poverty is the education system.

3. Economic revamp: An educated public is a beneficial force for economic growth.

4. It exposes individuals to life realities.

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Screen Time For Kids And Older Children




Screen time for kids and older children. It can be not easy to monitor a child’s screen time given the prevalence of devices. Complicating matters, screen time can be beneficial to children’s social and educational development. Thus, how do you control your kids’ screen time? This is an overview of supervising your kids’ media and screen usage.



 Do the following:

1. Check out shows, games, and applications before letting them watch or use them. You may get reviews and ratings for television from organizations like Common Sense Media to assist you decide what is suitable for your child’s age. Even better, use them, watch them, or play with your youngster.

2. Choose interactive options that your child can participate in instead of ones that only need them to stare at a screen or push and swipe.

3. To restrict or prohibit online content, use parental controls. To ensure that you can monitor your child’s activities during screen time, make sure they are close by.

4. Ask your child frequently about the apps, games, and programs they have used during the day.

5. Talk about the shows you’re viewing and teach your kids about ads and advertising when you’re watching TV together. Additionally, steer clear of violent content,

apps with a lot of distracting content, and fast-paced programming, which young children to remove any advertising from apps,

as young kids sometimes struggle to establish boundaries with older kids:

6. Give your kids clear guidelines and appropriate time restrictions for using digital media. Take into account these suggestions: • Promote free-form, unstructured playtime.

Establish tech-free areas or periods, such as dinnertime or one evening per week.

7. Establish curfews and daily or weekly screen time limits, such as an hour before bedtime when no electronics or screens are allowed.

Consider these five ways slimming screen time is good for your family’s health.



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Parenting in 21st Century




Parenting in the 21st century. The state of affairs in the world now indicates that these are trying times! Being a parent is getting harder and harder. You will acknowledge that there are more risks to children’s safety than ever before, regardless of how good of a parent you are. Our kids are dealing with difficulties in many facets of their lives. Acquiring knowledge of these obstacles can aid parents in cultivating suitable abilities. Parents must understand that there are two worlds in the twenty-first century that pose hazards to their children’s safety: the real world and the virtual world.

Meaning of Parenting 

This entails taking care of and nurturing a child, and facilitating the growth of a child through all developmental depression or anxiety phases. it also means parenting a child from birth to independent adulthood.



Parenting in 21ST Century

1. Encourage Your Kids’ Self-Respect From the moment they perceive themselves via their parents’ eyes, newborns begin to build a sense of self.  how to raise a child with values in the 21st century.  Your children pick up on every facial expression, and tone of voice.

2. Observe Children Acting Morally The best strategy is to compliment children on a job well done, such as “You made your bed without being asked—that’s terrific!” maybe “I was watching you play with your sister and you were very patient.” In the long term, these remarks will have a more positive impact on conduct than frequent reprimands.

3. Define boundaries and adhere to your discipline consistently. Every home needs discipline.

4. Schedule Time for Your Children Get up ten minutes early to go for a stroll after supper or to eat breakfast with your child. Children who feel their parents aren’t giving them the attention they want frequently disobey.





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The Significance of Sound in a Child’s Development




Sound plays a crucial role in a child’s development, influencing cognitive, emotional, and social growth from the earliest moments of life. From the rhythmic heartbeat heard in the womb to the diverse sounds encountered in the environment, auditory experiences are fundamental to how children understand and interact with the world around them.

Cognitive Development


Sound is pivotal in cognitive development, especially in the realms of language acquisition and learning. Even before birth, fetuses can respond to sounds, recognizing their mother’s voice and other familiar noises. This early exposure sets the stage for language development, as infants learn to differentiate between various sounds and eventually associate them with meaning.

Studies have shown that babies begin to recognize and respond to their native language within the first few months of life. This auditory learning continues as children grow, with language skills developing rapidly through listening and mimicking sounds. Engaging with different types of sounds, such as music, storytelling, and conversation, enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.

Emotional Development

Sound also significantly impacts a child’s emotional well-being. Soothing sounds, such as a parent’s lullaby or gentle music, can comfort and calm an infant, fostering a sense of security and emotional stability. Conversely, loud or harsh noises can cause distress and anxiety.

Music, in particular, has a profound emotional effect. Exposure to various musical genres can help children express their emotions, develop empathy, and understand complex emotional concepts. Singing and listening to music together can strengthen bonds between children and caregivers, creating lasting emotional connections.

Social Development

Social development is deeply intertwined with auditory experiences. Sounds facilitate communication, which is the cornerstone of social interaction. From the coos and babbles of infancy to the complex conversations of adolescence, the ability to produce and interpret sounds is essential for building relationships and engaging with others.

Participating in group activities that involve sound, such as music classes, storytelling sessions, or playgroups, helps children learn to cooperate, share, and develop social norms. These interactions are crucial for developing social skills and a sense of community.

Environmental Awareness

Sound also enhances a child’s awareness of their environment. Children learn to identify and respond to different sounds, which helps them navigate their surroundings safely and effectively. For example, recognizing the sound of traffic can prevent accidents, while distinguishing between friendly and alarming animal noises can enhance a child’s understanding of nature.

Therapeutic Uses of Sound

Sound therapy is increasingly used to support children with developmental delays, learning disabilities, and emotional challenges. Techniques such as music therapy, auditory integration training, and sound-based interventions can improve communication skills, reduce anxiety, and enhance cognitive functioning.

For children with autism, for instance, music therapy can be particularly beneficial. It can help improve social interactions, communication abilities, and sensory processing skills, making it easier for these children to engage with the world around them.


The significance of sound in a child’s development cannot be overstated. From cognitive and emotional growth to social interaction and environmental awareness, sound is a vital element that shapes a child’s experiences and development. By recognizing and nurturing the importance of auditory experiences, caregivers and educators can support children’s growth and help them reach their full potential.

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