Treatment of tinea capitis. A fungal infection that affects your child’s scalp and hair is called tinea capitis, or scalp ringworm. Swollen red spots, dry, scaly rashes, itching, and hair loss are all signs of tinea capitis. Tinea capitis is caused by dermatophytes, which are fungi that resemble mold.
An antifungal drug taken orally is used to treat tinea capitis infections. A fungal infection that affects your child’s scalp and hair is called tinea capitis. Scalp ringworm is another name for tinea capitis. Fungi that infiltrate your child’s hair follicles and frequently hair shafts cause tinea capitis. Your child’s eyebrows and eyelashes may also be affected by tinea capitis.
Your youngster may have tinea capitis on all or part of their scalp. Among the symptoms could be: • Swollen red areas. • Scaly, dry rashes. • Excruciating itching. • Alopecia, or patches of hair loss. • A flaking, dandruff-like scalp. • A low ffever. The lymph nodes are enlarged. Your child’s scalp may develop painful, puffy areas as a result of inflammatory tinea capitis. We refer to these patches as kerion. The kerion may flow pus and develop crusty blisters. Your child’s hair may not regrow and scarring may result from inflammatory tinea capitis.
1. People

After coming into close touch with an infected person, your child may acquire tinea capitis. Symptoms may or may not be present. However, they can spread the virus if they are a carrier.
2. Animals

If your child comes into contact with an infected animal, they may contract tinea capitis. Tinea capitis can be spread by a wide variety of animals. Pets like dogs and cats fall under this category.
3. Fomites

These are materials or substances that have the potential to spread an infection. Sharing helmets, combs, caps, hairbrushes, and clothing can cause your child to contract tinea capitis.
To treat tinea capitis, your child’s doctor can recommend an antifungal drug. Since topical therapies typically don’t work, they will prescribe an oral drug. The drug must be taken by your youngster for a minimum of six weeks. A shampoo containing selenium sulfide may be recommended by your child’s doctor. At least twice a week, you will need to use the shampoo to wash your child’s hair. Although it won’t treat tinea capitis, this shampoo might help stop it from spreading. An antifungal cream may also be suggested by your child’s doctor. The antifungal cream will be applied directly to your child’s scalp. Creams with antifungal properties can aid in stopping the infection’s progress. However, they are unable to treat tinea capitis.
You can avoid tinea capitis in a number of ways. Among these precautions are: • Refrain from sharing personal belongings including helmets, combs, caps, hairbrushes, and pillows. • Make sure your child’s scalp is dry and clean. • Keep healthy kids away from kids who have tinea capitis. • Steer clear of areas where your youngster can contract the illness. Wash bedding, including sheets and pillows, on a regular basis. • After handling, playing with, or touching dogs, wash your hands.
Your youngster may have discomfort and itching from tinea capitis infections. You should be able to assist in curing your child’s infection with prompt and consistent therapy. However, it may require some time. Following the advice of your child’s healthcare expert is crucial. Your child must finish the course of treatment. A fungal infection may not go away for at least six weeks.