It’s a simple reality that children who don’t get enough sleep will not be happy when the light comes on in the morning.
Prep backpacks the night before
When everyone is in high gear, it helps retain the flow and your sanity. There’s no better feeling than doing your schoolwork and packing it up the night before. It’s one less thing to do in the morning.
Wake up at the same time every day
Who hasn’t at least once considered hitting the snooze button?Your internal body clock determines when it’s time to get up and shine since the most successful morning individuals wake up at the same time every day.Your best bet for a successful weekday morning routine is getting up at the same time every day, regardless of how much you enjoy sleeping in on the weekends.
Let the light shine in
Lift the window shades to let in the morning light as soon as the alarm goes off.Compared to the dark, light causes our body to wake up more quickly.When your children wake up, have them open the curtains or blinds.Get out of bed and turn on the light if you wake up before the sun rises.
Start with a power jam
Theme tunes have a certain inspirational quality.Play their all-time favorite song or a timeless masterpiece like Eye of the Tiger at seven in the morning to energise the troops.Play your go-to tune every day or create a playlist that you can switch up every week.Let’s start the celebration this morning!