Breast cancer causes. Health care providers may treat breast cancer with surgery to remove tumors or treatment to kill cancerous cells. Breast cancer usually affects women aged 50 and older, but it can also affect men and younger women. Breast cancer is caused by mutations in the breast cells that result in cancerous cells that multiply and form tumors.
An invasive cancer is breast cancers. The most frequent cause of it is a genetic mutation or DNA damage. hemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery are possible forms of treatment.
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): This type of cancer begins in the milk ducts and spreads to the breast tissue in the vicinity. In the US, it is the most prevalent kind of breast cancer. • Lobular breast cancer: This type of breast cancer begins in your breast’s lobules, which produce milk, and frequently spreads to neighboring breast tissue. In the US, it is the second most prevalent type of breast cancer. Similar to IDC, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk ducts. The distinction is that DCIS stays inside your milk ducts.
Your breasts may be impacted by the illness in many ways. There are some very specific symptoms of breast cancer. Others may simply seem like regions of your breast that look significantly distinct from any other area. Additionally, breast cancer may not exhibit any signs. But when it occurs, the following symptoms could appear: • A shift in your breasts’ dimensions, form, or contour. • A lump or mass that could feel as tiny as a pea. • A lump or thickening that lasts the whole of your menstrual cycle in or around your breast or underarm. • A change in the look or feel of your skin on your breast or nipple. Your skin may appear scaly, puckered, dimpled, or irritated. It could appear darker than surrounding areas, red, or purple. A clear or blood-stained fluid flow from your nipple; • A firm patch beneath your skin that resembles marble.
According to experts, breast cancer develops when breast cells undergo mutations and turn into malignant cells that divide and proliferate to form tumors. They don’t know what causes the shift. But according to study, there are a number of risk factors that could raise your likelihood of getting breast cancer. These consist of: • Age: 55 years of age or older. • Sex: Compared to men, women are far more prone to get the illness. • Family history: You run the chance of getting breast cancer if any of your parents, siblings, kids, or other close relatives have the disease. bGenetics: Due to inherited genetic mutations, up to 15% of individuals with breast cancer get the condition. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most often mutated genes.
Other Causes
Smoking: Several cancers, including breast cancer, have been related to tobacco use. • Consuming alcoholic beverages: Studies indicate that consuming alcoholic beverages may raise the risk of breast cancer. • Being obese. • Radiation exposure: You have a higher risk of developing breast cancer if you have previously received radiation therapy, particularly to the head, neck, or chest. • Hormone replacement therapy: Use of hormone replacement therapy increases the likelihood of receiving a diagnosis.
Breast cancer might not be preventable. However, you can lower your chance of getting it. Equally crucial, routine mammograms and self-examinations can aid in the early detection of breast cancer, when treatment is simpler.
You may rely on your medical team to regularly assess newly approved treatments that may be useful to you. Additionally, you may rely on your team to support you from the moment of diagnosis if you have breast cancer.