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Environmental pollution

What is Environmental Pollution?




Any unwanted item that is added to the environment as a result of human activity and causes unfavorable changes to the ecology and environment is referred to as environmental pollution. Water contamination includes things like sewage water spilling into pristine water sources like rivers, tanks, etc.

Pollutants are the various substances that contaminate the environment. Chemicals, biological materials, and physical objects that unintentionally enter the environment and endanger humans and other living things directly or indirectly are all considered pollutants.

Primary Pollutants

They endure in the form that they are introduced to the environment, such as plastic and DDT.

Secondary Pollutants:

Created by the primary pollutants interacting, such as when nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons combine to form peroxyacetyl nitrate, or PAN.


Natural occurrences like volcanic eruptions, forest fires, grass fires, etc. emit these toxins.


These pollutants are emitted during human activity, such burning fossil fuels and producing CO2.

The very elements that sustain life on Earth, such as the water and air we drink, to a greater extent, the ecosystems we depend on, are all impacted by pollution. it therefore presents a risk to earthly life. One of the biggest threats to human and other living things health is pollution. Even while it has an impact on society as a whole, it disproportionately impacts vulnerable groups including the impoverished, women, and children. Additional socio economic effects of pollution include forced migration brought on by water crises, reduced agricultural yield, and food insecurity.

The swift rise  in human population has led to a multiplicity of anthropogenic activities. The majority of these activities alter the environment in a way that is undesirable.

Building activity has expanded recently due to rapid urbanization. This in turn is contributing to environmental contamination in a number of ways, including the creation of garbage and the emission of dust into the atmosphere.

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Environmental pollution

Protecting your Environment




Protecting your environment. There are numerous strategies to protect the environment. But as they say, “charity begins at home,” thus the first steps should be self-awareness and independent work. There exist countless methods to assist the environment, such as sorting waste, cutting back on non-recyclable materials, using public transportation or carpooling, conserving water, reducing electricity waste, purchasing locally grown food and minimizing waste, and contributing to environmental nonprofit organizations.



Water Conservation

• taking shorter showers (less than five minutes), eating a diet higher in plant-based foods, shutting off the faucet while brushing your teeth, constructing rainwater collecting systems, and fixing leaky taps and faucets right away.

Recycle, Reuse, and Compost

This well-known adage suggests using less materials overall, reusing them wherever practical, and recycling them where feasible. This can be followed in the following ways.

1. Minimize the usage of fresh materials and single-use materials such as tissue paper, plastics, etc.

2. Reuse and upcycle materials such as wood, glass, textiles, and grocery bags. Limit the acquisition of new products and increase the usage of used goods.

3. Promote the purchase of recyclable materials, such as paper, cardboard, or glass, and instruct people to place them in recycling bins to keep them out of the trash.

Transport Efficiency

Air pollution outside is another consequence of vehicular traffic and is one of the main causes of heart and respiratory issues. Worldwide, there is a persistent upward trend in the number of vehicles per person; however, barely half of urbanites have access to public transportation. By 2050, carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles might be cut by about six gigatons if 60% of them are electric.

Shop secondhand

Look first in a thrift store or vintage shop, or trade clothes with friends, before making your way to the mall to buy new clothes. Without squandering the valuable resources required to make new clothes, you can revitalize your existing wardrobe.

Buy Local

While we’re talking about buying, it’s crucial to consider the route your belongings take to get to you. The environmental impact of all that packing and the fuel required for delivery is substantial. Instead, before you click for that two-day shipping, check out your local farmers market for fresh, package-free food; consider dining at a farm-to-table restaurant; and make purchases from local businesses, artists, and apparel designers.

Composting your food scraps and yard waste

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Environmental pollution

5 ways to keep the environment clean



5 ways to keep the environment clean

We must maintain the environment healthy and safe for present and future generations because it is an essential element of our existence. Making our environment safe and clean is more crucial than ever in light of rising pollution levels and climate change. Even second hand cars are highly ecologically beneficial, especially electric cars.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reducing, reusing, and recycling are some of the simplest and most efficient ways to keep our environment safe and clean. We can lessen the quantity of garbage that pollutes our environment and ends up in landfills by cutting back on the amount of waste we make, reusing products rather than throwing them away, and recycling as much as we can.

Use Eco-Friendly Products

Using eco friendly items is another way we can keep our environment clean and safe. This covers item such as biodegradable goods, natural cleansers and goods manufactured with sustainable materials. We can lessen our environmental effect and contribute to the development of a more sustainable future by using these products.

Conserve Water

Since water is a valuable resource, it is crucial to conserve it wherever feasible. This involves adopting water efficient appliances, cutting short showers and repairing leaks. We can lessen our influence on the environment and guarantee that future generations will have access to this vital resources by practicing water conservation.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Another important strategy for maintaining a clean and healthy environment is energy efficiency. Our carbon footprint can be decreased and our energy consumption can be decreased by using energy efficient appliances. This includes buying energy efficient appliances, installing programmable thermostats, and switching to LED light bulbs

Dispose of Hazardous Waste

Batteries and electronics are examples of properly hazardous trash that can damage the environment if improperly disposed of. To make sure that these things don’t wind up in landfills or harm the environment, it’s crucial to dispose of them at approved collection locations or through recycling programs.

Use Renewable Energy Sources

The development of sustainable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, is imperative. We can lessen our dependency on fossil fuels and contribute to the creation of a better and cleaner world for future generations by making every effort to use renewable energy sources.

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Environmental pollution

What is Water Pollution?




The contamination of a water source, usually due to industrial activities is know as water pollution.

Water loses oxygen due to to pollution and its after effects, a process called “eutrophication”. Dead rivers and oceans dead zones,where very little aquatic life may exist,are nearly usually the result of eutrophication, which is catastrophic for aquatic life. Water contamination is directly causing this to happen to some of our most valuable and diverse marine area, rivers and lake

Rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and oceans are contaminated by industries such as animal agriculture, textiles, fossil fuel extraction, and transport, which will, often knowingly, use polluting chemicals in their work and allow contaminated waste water to run off into surrounding water sources.


Water contamination is caused by a variety of enterprises and activities, some considerably more than others 

1) The clearing of forests

The capacity of the land to retain water and retain topsoil is diminished when we clear trees from naturally wooded areas and convert them to livestock farms. Due to increased floods and runoff from agricultural areas into rivers and oceans, our water sources will be exposed to an increased amount of chemicals and animal waste.

2) ) Global Warming 

One of the most concerning impacts of global heating is ocean acidification. When our oceans warm by even 1-2 degrees celsius, the oxygen content reduces, which hugely decreases the oceans’ ability to cope with pollution. Warming also results in coral bleaching, which can happen extremely quickly, resulting in huge numbers of fish species dying in a short period of time, causing increased water pollution.

3) Plastic Waste

its a common Knowledge that plastic waste ends up in our rivers and seas. However, fishing gear rather than straws, plastics bottles, or any other single use item is the real cause of the majority of the plastic pollution in our oceans

4) Transportation of ships

Due to the need to transport goods world wide as a result of globalization, maritime traffic uses enormous amounts of fuel and pollutes the air and water in the same manner that land based vehicle and aircraft do large volumes of gray water waste are also produced by cruise ships during cleaning, cooking, and laundry. A large portion of this garbage, occasionally illegally, ends up in the ocean.

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